A lot of questions arise whenever someone speaks of the stone age era, some are skeptical on whether the history of the same is really true, however, time and time again, it has been proved with not just mythical oral tradition but facts that are as visible as the ancient Egyptian pyramids.
Nyero rock paintings stands in the category of the remains of the ancient times, and because of the time gap, it’s hard to have fully conclusive understanding of what exactly these paintings depict, besides similar art has been found in East, central and southern parts of Africa believed to match the distribution of the late stone age hunter gatherer culture.
The art is attributed to the Batwa tribe who are of a pygmy origin. Today the same group of people can be found in small groups near the border of Uganda, Rwanda and D.R.Congo. however this is over 300km away from the location of the rock paintings.
These paintings are found in Kumi district formerly known as southern Teso in the eastern part of Uganda. Even though this area is inhabited by mainly the Teso tribe, it is believed that the people of this group are not the ones that did the paintings. However because of the ancient form of the paintings, they became sacred grounds for the Teso tribe where sacrifices are made in quest for rain, and any fortunes that can be thought of.
Nyero paintings are part of the world heritage tentative grounds in the category of culture, this means that the value and importance of these grounds goes beyond Uganda as a country, to all the parts of the world since they equally share in this heritage.
The place would be a good stop over to anyone visiting kidepo valley national park. Beyond the painting, there is an opportunity of you getting an aerial view of the surrounding place by climbing on top of these rocks.
To anyone interested in archeology, the destination offers the best there is the whole country since it is believed to carry a heritage of more than 1000 years of Uganda. There is a lot more to be discovered about the place, but matching the facts about this place with a lot more similar places in East, central and southern Africa.